In Eliyahu Goldratt's novel, "It's Not Luck", executives at the hero's company must help the sales force land some big ones or lose the company. They use a Goldratt analysis method called the "Thinking Processes", by which you, the seller, get the prospect to talk you into the sale.
As Don, one of the executives, explains, the reason for the sales team's earlier problems in selling their new offer - very beneficial to the customer - is they "talked about how great this new offer is. How much it would save the buyer ... You know, all the good stuff."
"Isn't that what they're supposed to do?"
"Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. A salesman praises his own company's offer. What's your natural reaction?"
"I'd start thinking of objections."
"Exactly. You will object. And statistically, the more objections the buyer raises, the less likely the sale."
"Instead, Don presents the buyers with a cause-and-effect diagram called a Current Reality Tree that shows how his own company caused the clinets' worst problems. The clients loved it.
"Most responded by asking what we were planning to do about it, which opened the door nice and wide."
The salesman hands the buyer a Future Reality Tree, showing how the company's new policies - and its current offer - solve the problems. So the deal won't seem too good to be true, they ask for minor guarantees in return.
"Then we had the salespeople say the buyer needs time to think about it, and ask for another meeting." Most client insist that discussions continue and close themselves.
For more inforamtion on both Reality Trees, please email me at
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