Thursday, 24 January 2013

TRUST, that is the word in turning your prospects to customers

People prefer to do business with other people (or things) who they know, like and trust. It makes sense. But how do you ever compete with established, big companies like Amazon that pretty much everyone knows, likes (well maybe not likes) and trusts. Surprisingly, it’s easy. You do it by achieving greater frequency.

Frequency is simply the number of times your prospect sees you or your brand during a specific period of time. More is better here. Our reptilian brains are hardwired to automatically trust things that we experience more often. We may not like something that we experience frequently (think beeping smoke alarm), but we definitely know it and trust it (to happen every 30 seconds).

Once you win the know and trust game via frequency, you have achieved the critical awareness you need for prospects to determine if they like you.

So, the next time your business is facing the Amazon of your industry, concentrate your efforts in a small concentrated area (location or niche) where you can have a far more frequent presence. You will become top of mind with those prospects, and in the driver seat to win the “like” game.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The decision you make, defines you

Success is the intentional, premeditated use of choice and decision. Unless you choose—with certainty—what it is you want, you accept table scraps by default!

The world is plump with opportunity. With boldness and conviction, stick a fork into the goals you want by being decisive.

You are born with great capabilities, but you will not achieve your potential until you call upon yourself to fulfill it. You will rise to the occasion when it presents itself; yet, to assure self-fulfillment, you must provide occasions to rise to.
Clearly defined goals allow you to travel toward another horizon that represents the end of one experience and the transition to a new and better existence. The objective is to choose the right goals, and then to create the necessary causes—the effects will follow!
The DIFFERENCE between what one person and another achieves depends more on goal CHOICES than on ABILITIES.
The profound differences between successful people and others are the goals they choose to pursue. Individuals with similar talents, intelligence, and abilities will achieve different results because they select and pursue different goals.
Each decision affects WHAT YOU BECOME. We form our decisions and our decisions form us.
There is no escaping this; the smallest choices are important because—over time—their cumulative effect is enormous.

Never overlook the obvious: The nature and direction of your life change the instant you decide what goals you want to pursue.

Once you make a decision, you start down a path to a new destination. At the moment the decision is made, your decision to pursue a goal alters what you are becoming. Just one spin of the lock's dial—a single choice—can alter your life, your destiny, your legacy.

Think about it—your goal decisions represent and express your individuality. You seal your fate with the choices you make.
Your dialog with success is ultimately a solo one. Decisions and goals made must be your own if you are to call your life a success.

Always establish the best goals you can. Goals are the seeds of success—you become only what you plant. The quality of your harvest is a direct reflection of the quality of your seeds...your decisions!

Indecision is the big eraser of opportunity and potential. Risks and costs accompany every decision; however, the price of decision is far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. When it comes to decisiveness, squatters have no rights.

Everyone has an official wish list of things they think are "reasonable." What about the unofficial wish list? The one that common sense tells you to ignore? The list that exists deep in your mind, the list that keeps you up at night, the list that makes your toes wiggle when you think of it? Why not choose that list for a change?

How long have you dreamed of being, having, and doing what you really want? Think big, as when it comes to your goals, the size of your ambition does matter.

How Can an Amiable Style Person Better Serve Customers?

Each Style of person interacts with customers in unique ways, and sometimes people’s Style behaviors don’t match the needs of customers or clients. Because they are naturally friendly, Amiable Style people can be very good at maintaining effective relationships with clients and customers. They are generally not too pushy and allow others time to make decisions. However, they tend to focus on the present without considering longer-term implications, and they do not like to impose their opinions on others. This can result in lost opportunities simply because these individuals will not share their ideas with customers and may not consider future opportunities. These individuals should make efforts to consider long-term relationships and how they can meet customers' needs beyond the immediate time frame. They may also increase their effectiveness by sharing their opinions more openly.